Life update: Aug. 26, 2020

Screen Shot 2020-08-25 at 10.56.16 PMMy blood sugar is down from the terrible 200s, and I’m slowly getting things back in order again in life. Nothing’s going to be perfect, but I’m trying to make it as perfect as possible.

This is a “Life Update” entry, which I typically post maybe once a month to let you know what’s going on behind the scenes of Yours Truly.

I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in 2019 after a lab result of off-the-scale lipids, blood sugar, A-1-C and a number on a real scale that has no business showing on someone with a 5-foot-6 frame. This resulted in needed changes in diet, and it’s hard to change from a system that’s been done for at least 15 years – it was a real bad system.

Travel led to bad food and extra caffeine to keep me awake – and I hate the taste of coffee. You can suspect that my body was a moving temple of bad stuff, and it’s led to my current appearance.

At the time of my diagnosis, I spent years drinking close to 100 ounces of pop every day and about five trips to fast food drive-thrus per week. It lead to a weight that I was always scared to reveal to anyone until now: I was 467 pounds 1 year ago this month.

You are screaming, livid at me right now. I do not blame you. I am prepared now to take everyone’s angry fury of hell, fire and brimstone right now. However, I am not 467 anymore.

Thanks to monthly diabetic education at the Whiteside County Health Clinic and the careful prescribing of medicines such as metformin, glipizide, atorvastatin and lisinopril, my weight is going backward. I also take at least four walks a morning. I’m limiting my fast food and checking blood sugars every day to motivate my progress.

It’s been a difficult process. The previous work grind, and all that was on my mind, caused me to miss daily pills for long stretches and fall back into bad habits. However, the new position I have at work has made me concentrate more on improving myself. So, for the last 2 months, I have taken pills every day and night, checked the blood sugar every morning, and I’m starting to see results.

One year ago, I estimated my fasting blood sugar to be around 240-250. Cutting back considerably on fast food and soda since, with the combination of medicine and exercise, my blood sugars are now hovering in the 130-140 range. I’m trying to make it so that I do not hit the 150s again, and would like to see it go down another 20-30.

I also have dropped 40 pounds in the last year – and this is during the lazy coronavirus year. I need to drop A LOT more, but I’m hoping I can drop 40-50 pounds a year for the next few years while keeping these newfound food and drink restrictions. So I’m setting my goal for 375 pounds for Aug. 1, 2021.